Author: Margriet Plouvier-Suijs
Published by: Emryss Publishers
First edition, 2014, paperback, 103 pages
ISBN / EAN: 978-90-76189-48-2
Reviewer: Vatsala Sperling
The dedication page of this slim book contains these words:
When the patient receives simillimum
in the appropriate potency
a miracle happens
These few words set the tone for this book indicating what to expect as the readers explore the book further.
As students and practitioners of homeopathy, we are well aware of the fact that choice of potencies is a hot issue that leads to intense discussions whenever a few homeopaths meet. In this scenario, Margriet’s book, based on her own clinical experience as well as the time tested teachings of Hahnemann and the modern day gurus like Vithoulkas and Sankaran, introduces the readers to a clear path in to the realm of potency choice.
Margriet takes a systematic approach in creating sections that deal with X, C, K, Q and LM potencies. Each of these sections begins with a set of key words below the section title. For example, the section on 3X – 6X, 3C, 4C begins with key words, ‘stimulate, activate, enhance and push.’ Next, the readers are treated to a brief case that gives an idea about how these key words are used in practice for selection of potencies. For example, let us take the key word, ‘stimulate’ and the case of Thyroidinum 4C and TSH 4C that is presented to show how these remedies in low potencies have brought on stimulation in the case. In organotherapy, 4C is the stimulating potency. For stimulating the function of thyroid in hypothyroidism TSH 4C and Thyroidinum 4C on alternate evenings worked well for a patient. After two months on these remedies, she developed palpitations and became very hurried. Medicines were stopped and she experienced relief from her symptoms.
This pattern of giving key words and case examples for the key words is followed throughout the book.
Another fine feature of this book consists of case examples where Margriet has used 12C, 30C and 10M potencies of the same remedy depending on the progression of the case (page 72 – 73). In this instance, the author perceived the level at which the vital force was eliciting symptoms and was able to choose a potency to match that particular level.
There is also an example of a case taken and analyzed as per the Sensation method. A prescription of Conium maculatum 1M brings on a remarkable improvement at physical, mental and emotional levels of this patient. A couple of years after doing well on 1M, the patient developed new symptoms and was given a repeat dose of 1M. She experienced an aggravation instead of getting better. Moving down to Conium maculatum 200C brought her relief. She also received the same remedy in 10M potency along the line but when Conium layer was removed, she presented a fresh set of symptoms and the case was finally cured with Lac maternum 200C.
The most appealing features of this book are the cases that highlight what potencies were used, why, and how the patients responded to these potencies. A three page bibliography completes this book.
Hahnemann writes in the Organon, aphorism 278, “The only guides for determining the most appropriate dose in each case are pure experiment, accurate experience and careful observation of each individual patient.” This aphorism implies that based on pure experiment, by careful observation about the response of the patient and with the right experience, we would be able to choose the right potency in every individual case.” Margriet has stuck to this aphorism as she moved across board trying to select the right potency for her patients. Most readers will enjoy reading about this author’s choice of potencies and how she uses them in clinical settings.
Eventually, there are no hard and fast rules inscribed on stone. Each practitioner has to be completely present while receiving case, perceive the case and the patient without prejudice, and choose the potency that best matches with the level at which the patient’s vital force is functioning in a given moment in time. In this exploration, Margriet’s book can be a lovely companion and it can be committed to memory without much fuss. Highly recommended.
About the reviewer:
Vatsala Sperling, RSHom (NA), CCH, MS, PhD, PDHom was the Chief of Clinical Microbiology services at a children’s hospital in Chennai, India, where she published extensively and conducted research with WHO, Denmark. On moving to the USA to start a family, Vatsala pursued an education in homeopathy in Misha Norland’s school. An author of eight books ( and many essays and articles in the field of homeopathy, spirituality and health, Vatsala continues to study with several teachers as well as Drs. Bhavisha and Sachindra Joshi and practices classical homeopathy in Vermont. She has served on the board of directors of North American Society of Homeopaths and she is currently volunteering in the case review committee of Council for Homeopathy Certification. Vatsala can be reached via her website (