Below you will find a list of CEU categories and point allocations agreed by the Board of Directors in August 2018. Each Registered member will be required to complete 20 hours of CEU’s in the subject of homeopathy each membership year in order to be able to continue to uphold full professional membership with NASH. If you foresee that you may have difficulty fulfilling this annual requirement, please contact the Board at
1. Attendance at a homeopathic conference or seminar – 1 hour equals 1 CEU
2. Postgraduate homeopathic training – 1 hour equals 1 CEU
3. Homeopathic teaching (at a school/college/conference) – 1 hour equals 4 CEU’s
4. Facilitating a study group – 1 hour equals 2 CEU’s
5. Supervising or mentoring a homeopath or homeopathic student – 1 hour equals 2 CEU’s
6. Published review (at least 400 words) of a homeopathic book/seminar etc. – equals 3 CEU’s
7. Published review (at least 800 words) of a homeopathic book/seminar etc. – equals 5 CEU’s
8. Published article in a professional journal (at least 3000 words) – equals 8 CEU’s
9. Published homeopathic book/manual etc. – equals up to 20 CEU’s
10. Conducting or supervising a proving:
a. The prover receives 5 CEU’s
b. The supervisor receives 10 CEU’s
11. Homeopathic research – equals up to 20 CEU’s
12. Volunteering (for a homeopathic organization such as NASH) to enhance homeopathic education and outreach – 1 hour equals 1 CEU: a. Providing a NASH webinar – 1 hour equals 2 CEU’s b. A maximum of 5 CEU’s will be allowed for volunteer work.