Homeopaths registered with the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) receive the internationally respected designation RSHom(NA) acknowledging the independent professional practice of homeopathy and the profession in North America. The RSHom(NA) designation further assures that Registered Members of NASH uphold the highest standards of excellence in classical homeopathic practice establishing the framework for the profession of homeopathy. Our Registered members must reside in the US/Canada at least six months a year.
Registered Membership Benefits
Supports legislation protecting your right to practice homeopathy in every US state and Canadian province. Our strength comes with increasing participation.
Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics promoting a self-regulated profession. Clients can depend on a high caliber experience.
The American Homeopath: a highly respected and widely read annual journal providing members the opportunity to publish articles, research, provings and more.
Professional Referral: Our online directory promotes your practice providing, bio, phone, practice specifics and website link.
50% off Professional Membership with the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) for one year ($85 value). This benefit is valid for one year only and is only for Registered NASH members with no previous NCH membership. Contact info@homeopathycenter.org for details.
20% discount on a subscription offering TOTAL ACCESS to the library of The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy.
Enlightenment Education provides 5 (five) new master classes + 7(seven) popular webinars from their archives as a complimentary gift. In addition they will provide their Mission 5000 series, inclusive of 108+ webinars, for a special price of US $125 only.
A specially designed Badge for your website – showing that you are a Registered member in good standing of your professional organization.
Representation in the International Council for Homeopathy (ICH) as a voting member. NASH is the only North American Affiliated organization on this council which exists to encourage the highest standards of the professional practice of homeopathy throughout the world.
The RSHom(NA) Showcase allows our Registered Members to be featured in our monthly newsletter for their homeopathic accomplishments and endeavors.
Promotional guidelines to safely market your practice and to address the media.
Self-regulation with A cohesive Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics create a safe practice environment for our members and our clients. NASH has an established grievance procedure to help mediate conflicts and protect both the professional and the public, believing that we, as a professional organization, are better equipped to arbitrate such disputes than governmental bodies.
Professional Liability Insurance providing high quality coverage with an A rated carrier. General Liability and Computer Information Security and Privacy coverage endorsements can be added to your insurance policy.
Legal Defense Fund to help offset costs for registered members should a dispute arise.
LegalShield extending discounted rates on all LegalShield services.
Archibel: RadarOpus homeopathic software discount – a Single Intuitive Interface for everything a busy homeopath needs: Repertory, Materia Medica, Patient Files.
Full Slate Online Scheduling Program has everything you need to manage a busy schedule. 10% discount to NASH Registered Members. The link to this benefit with your discount code can be found on your home page.
NASH Foundation supporting educational and research projects that members pursue.
Lending Library offering a collection of recorded past conferences for your listening enjoyment free of charge.
Webinars offering online opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and provide continuing education opportunities.
Mentor Program provides opportunities for associate and student members to benefit from the expertise of experienced homeopaths.
Volunteer Opportunities allowing us to pool our talents to grow homeopathy.
Discounts with Associated Organizations: OHM Pharma, Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy, and more.
Private Discussion Forum: a LinkedIn forum where our membership of professional colleagues can support each other’s clinical practice.
Full voting rights in Society elections and decisions.
RSHom(NA) Registration Submission Requirements
According to the NASH Bylaws:
1. A person shall be eligible to become a Registered member if he or she demonstrates his/her knowledge and ability to practice classical homeopathy to a high professional standard. The Registration Committee shall determine whether an applicant meets this standard by evaluating the following criteria:
– proof of highest education completed, proof of college level courses in anatomy, pathology and psychology.
– is in at least part–time practice of classical homeopathy for a minimum of two years.
– has a minimum of 500 hours of training in homeopathy through recognized teachers or institutions recognized in the field of classical homeopathy in addition to 500 hours of clinical work.
– presents ten cured chronic cases with six months follow-up to the Registration Committee for evaluation.
– presents one videotaped case taking session with a client and one six month videotaped follow-up of that client to the Registration Committee for evaluation. The Board of Directors can set up alternative methods of evaluating case taking ability, in place of this requirement.
– passes written and oral examinations as required by the Society.
– provides the Society with a curriculum vitae, a written description of his/her practice and style of practice, two personal references and two professional references and any other specific information decreed necessary by the Society.
Based on those criteria the RSHom(NA) registration requires submission of one of the following:
CCH Certification and submission of five chronic cases that were independently taken and followed. See the CCH Certification Case Submission Guidelines and Registered Membership Application for more detail.
Transfer of Registration: NASH accepts, most with the submission of 5 independently taken cases, all homeopaths with the RSHom designation from the Society of Homeopaths, the Irish Society of Homeopaths, the Australian Homeopathic Association, New Zealand Council for Homeopathy, International Homeopathic Certification and any one of the State Councils of Homeopathy in India, as well as all members registered with the Ontario College in Canada.
NASH Competency Review: Our competency review process requires submission of documentation of educational background, clinical experience, personal and professional recommendations and the submission of 10 independent cases. For more detail on this please view the NASH Competency Review Guidelines. For more information on submitting the required cases, please view the NASH Competency Review Case Submission Guidelines. To complete the application for this process, click the link below.