Minutes of the Annual Member Meeting
Sunday, April 6th, 2014
Board Present:
Manfred Mueller, President (by phone)
Tanya Kell, Vice President
Myra Nissen, Treasurer
Vatsala Sperling, Secretary
Laura Sholtz, Registrar
Julie Mann, Board Member
Staff Present:
Carleen Johnson, Executive Director
The meeting was called to order just after 6:30am (PT).
A Review of NASH Activities in 2013
Tanya reviewed the highlights of 2013 including:
- Vatsala Sperling joining the Board as the new Secretary
- Administrative move from Liz to Carleen
- Completion of S & C with other homeopathic organizations
- Discussion of new ideas for the future the NASH Foundation
- Professional Liability Insurance for our Registered Members
- Discounts on Miranda Castro’s Compass program and On-line scheduling services
- Our continued work toward Health Freedom in each state.
Reports from Committees
Member Registration:
Laura Sholtz, RSHom(NA), CCH reported that in 2013 we had:
- 26 new RSHoms(NA)’s
- 11 new Associates
- 17 new Students
Financial Report:
Myra presented The Profit and Loss Financial Report from 2013 and the Proposed 2014 Budget, both of which were distributed (these are also available for members as a download here).
A question about the purpose and source of the Defense Fund was asked. A percentage of Registered Member fees are automatically put into this account and it’s purpose of to help fund a legal case that would potentially affect of the future practice of homeopathy.
Deborah Hayes, RSHom(NA), CCH, editor of AH, discussed the upcoming theme of AH20 as the 20th Anniversary issue; it will appropriately be about the past, present and future of homeopathy. She currently has articles covering:
- homeopathy for PTSD,
- an interview with Farokh Master, Henny-Heudens-Mast and Jeremy Sherr,
- an article on polarity,
- Boenninghausen method for acutes,
- an article about vaccines,
- Fabonacci’s potencies,
- homeopathy and technology,
- growing your practice,
- HPUS, among others.
There is still a need for homeopathic research and cases.
There was a question about the availability of journals online. Currently all journals are available as a download or as a hard copy.
A question was asked about the appropriateness of articles on Jungian psychotherapy and homeopathy, with a hope to have a connection to a blog on Psychology Today. It was mentioned that the Whitmont issue of AH covered some of these very issues.
Student Liaison Program
Myra Nissen, RSHom(NA), CCH reported that speakers were found who addressed the interests of the attending students. We have started recording the calls and making them into podcasts for all of our members. Because of the interest from all of our members in those podcasts, we have started looking at continuing this program through the summer and having it be open to all members.
A concern was shared about how school administrators could have input into the topics addressed. We are developing a school survey to be given to NASH member schools. Perhaps those concerns could be shared via this survey. The hope is that this survey could be done this coming summer, 2014.
NASH Foundation
Julie Mann, RSHom(NA), CCH reported that the NASH Foundation is the non profit 501(c)3 arm of NASH; the mission is to provide education and research. There is currently approximately $20,000 in that account. Our original thought was to use this money to hire someone to promote Health Freedom through the state’s chapters. This could be supportive to practitioners. But if there is such need to provide scholarships for student to go to school, perhaps the Foundation could offer scholarships. This focus could benefit the future practitioners. Criteria would need to be developed to determine who could get these but it would be offered to 2nd or 3rd year students of NASH member schools of which there are currently six. Part of the stipulation would be that the scholarship would be service oriented and the student would have to volunteer some time to NASH. We could brainstorm how to do this. Suggestions were made at this meeting to request donations that would be allocated for these scholarships. Another suggestion was to design a program similar to Freedom from Hunger, where we would act as a loan agency for students. On completion of their education the loan would be paid back to NASH.
Another suggestion for the NASH Foundation is to find a way of using “Just One Drop” to promote the profession.
Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH (past NASH Board Vice President) represents NASH on this Council. They are currently working on international S & C’s. Thirty countries are participating. Kate clarified that ECH is comprised of MD’s and the ECCH is comprised of non-licensed practitioners. The question was raised about the impact ICH could have on NASH. Kate explained that the ICH promotes the international milieu of homeopathy and that the ICH is working with the World Health Freedom Assembly, an NGO, so that we have a voice in that arena.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30am.