19671 Hacienda Heights Rd Sonora, CA 95370 USA
Daphna Bisset
Work 19671 Hacienda Heights Rd Sonora, CA 95370 USA
Work Phone: (209) 770-0225
Work Email: daphna@daphnabisset.com
Website: daphnabisset.com
Daphna graduated from the School Of Homeopathy in Devon, UK. She now works with clients both locally in Sonora California, and internationally, in person, and virtually.
She specializes in injuries from vaccines, homeopathic detoxing, and women’s health and fertility.
Daphna continues to develop her skills and knowledge studying with leading homeopaths from around the world. She is the co-founder and now continues to lead a monthly study group for homeopaths across North America. She has completed the supervision course with Sea Change, and is now a certified supervisor for homeopaths and homeopathy students.