600 Sherbourne, Suite 604 Toronto, ON M4X 1W4 CANADA
Hannah Shalom
After studying and practising a number of alternative modalities over the last 20 years, Hannah had a personal healing experience which inspired her to begin studying at The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (CCHM) to become a homeopath. She graduated with honours and did a year of post graduate study while also shadowing a homeopath in his own practice. She travelled to Tanzania in 2016 to work with Homeopaths for Health in Africa to train in outreach clinics mostly with HIV/AIDS patients. In 2017 Hannah won a scholarship with Andre Saine, where she trained in chronic and acute prescribing. Also that year, Hannah presented a seminar on Gut Health at CCHM to aspiring homeopaths and to the public at large as well as a Seminar for CCHM students on building a homeopathic practice.
Hannah continually refreshes her perspectives by attending conferences and workshops, listening to courses, reading books, speaking with colleagues and, of course, studying Materia Medica and Organon, passionately. She is keenly interested in oncology and pathology. She applies an integrative approach through a classical lens, combining multiple strategies, current scientific discovery, and innovative homeopathic methodologies, individually, to each case.