26 Springwood Drive Asheville NC 28805 USA
Jane Tara Cicchetti
As a practitioner of Classical Homeopathy for over 35 years, I have been honored to accompany hundreds of people on their path to healing and transformation and to help educate a generation of homeopathic colleagues. And I am honored to make these decades of experience available to you.
I have been both a witness and an active contributor to the growth and revival of Classical Homeopathy in recent decades. I have been a part of this renaissance as a practitioner, teacher, author and researcher.
One of my main contributions to Classical Homeopathy has been the integration of Jungian psychology into my practice and into the field at large. This work is based on a lifelong interest in the mind-body relationship and is grounded in an intensive 10-year training analysis with a senior Jungian analyst.