Durham, NC 27712 USA
Julia J. Insley
Julia Insley BS, LRT, CCH, RSHom(NA) is a Classical Homeopath who is certified with NASH and the CHC– North American Society of Homeopaths and Council for Homeopathic Certification. She has practiced as a homeopath for 20 years, given lectures on homeopathy, served as a clinical instructor, served on CHC committees, and was an instructor for Homeopathy without Borders. She continues to serve as a consultant to the Program for Integrative Medicine at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She views homeopathy as a natural healing modality and universal agent for transformational change.
Julia is also a Recreation Therapist, graduating with a BS from California State University Fresno. Over the past 30 years she has worked in a variety of health care settings with individuals with mental illness and other types of disabilities. Healing modalities she teaches in these venues include physical fitness, yoga, relaxation training, stress management, arts & crafts, social skills, & outdoor activities.
Julia developed an early interest in nature from the study of oceanography and marine biology in high school and college. Her interests in natural healing methods were sparked by experiences with the limitations of allopathic medicine and from suffering chemical damage due to occupational exposures. In those days she was able to heal with herbs, supplements, healthier diet, yoga and physical fitness. Vaccines required for overseas travel were taken, and resulted in immune system problems and infections. These were resolved with homeopathic treatment. It was this learning process and lifestyle changes that eventually led to the study of holistic health care and homeopathy.
Previously, Julia served as vice-president and board member for Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals through education, to make informed healthcare choices and decisions, and to educating the public about natural health issues. Through collaboration with NHFC, CHF introduced Health Freedom legislation to the NC Legislative General Assembly. We networked with communities for holistic health care choices and social evolution.
Presently, Julia serves on the board of directors of NHFC-National Health Freedom Coalition. In 2014 she attended the Health Freedom Congress in Minneapolis as a voting member.
In her homeopathic practice Julia has developed specialties in areas of pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD, ADD, ADHD, PDD), allergies, skin disorders, depression, anxiety, OCD, female complaints, digestive disorders, and more.