PO Box 474 Jamul CA 91935 USA
Manfred Mueller
Homeopathic Associates
Work PO Box 474 Jamul CA 91935 USA
Work Phone: 619-741-5795
Work Fax: 619-741-5793
Work Email: office@homeopathicassociates.com
Website: homeopathicassociates.com
Mr. Mueller is a homeopath in private practice working with adults, children and animals. He is certified in classical homeopathy by the Council for Homeopathic Certification, a Registered member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) and has been president of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) since 2005. He served on the board of Council for Homeopathic Education (now called ACHENA) from 2006 to 2008, and has served on the board of the Homeopathic Action Alliance (HAA) since 2008.