Westchester & Manhattan, NY 10502 USA
Marina Braun
Homeopathy for the Whole Family
Work Westchester & Manhattan, NY 10502 USA
Work Phone: 914-378-5320
Work Email: aquamarinabr@gmail.com
Website: aquamarinahomeopathy.com
Marina Braun graduated from the NY school of Homeopathy in 2002 and has made homeopathy her life’s mission. She currently works in Ardsley, NY as well as Manhattan. Marina has been doing a lot of outreach work as well and has worked in Africa with Homeopathy For Health in Africa for the last 8 years treating AIDS patients and many other pathologies. Marina continues her studies in homeopathy and studies with homeopaths from around the globe. Marina’s main focus has been studying with masters from India to where she has traveled several times.