50 Country Way, A-101 Scituate, MA 02066 USA
Martha DeMarco
Work 50 Country Way, A-101 Scituate, MA 02066 USA
Work Phone: (781) 724-7083
Work Email: Martha@DeMarcoHomeopathy.com
Website: demarcohomeopathy.com
Martha graduated with honors from the Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative in 2012. She is a Certified Classical Homeopath, and holds the national credential CCH. She is a Registered homeopath in North America, RSHom (NA). She has served on the executive board of the Council for Homeopathic Certification and currently serves as a Commissioner for the Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America (ACHENA).
Martha works with clients virtually by phone or web-based conference.