750 E. 9th Avenue, Suite 106 Denver, CO 80203 USA
Sue Boorn
1999 Graduate of Homeopathy School of Colorado CHom., Boulder, Colorado, Completion of 40 hours pathology, 60 hours Physiology & 60 hours Anatomy at Colorado School of Healing Arts. 2000-2004 Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy PCH, Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies, Denver, CO with Jeremy Sherr. In private practice since 1999 in Denver, CO. Each subsequent year has included study with a variety of world -renowned Homeopaths: Jeremy Sherr, Amy Rothenberg, Anne Schadde, Misha Norland, Jan Scholten, Nandita Shah, Rajan Sankaran, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman & Robert Ullman, Alastair Gray, Divya Chhabra and more. Participated in 7 provings in varying roles-as prover, supervisor, rubric extraction team. One year intensive study of Leap to the Simillimum case taking method with Dr. Divya Chhabra. Supervised intern for 9 months. Participate regularly in local study groups. Worked consecutive years to obtain passage and amendment of Colorado’s Health Freedom Act.
Appointments available via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime.