634 E. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 USA
PATH Family Center at Egia Wellness 8120 15th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11228 USA
NASH evaluates the competency and educational standards of its Registered Members and requires they subscribe to the NASH Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Jennette Cable, ND, CTN, CCH, ST, RSHom (NA) is a Classical Homeopath certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification. She also possesses a Doctor of Naturopathy, certified by the American Naturopathic Certification Board, and has extensive training in Sound Healing and Therapy certified through the Globe and Sound Consciousness Institute.
Jennette enjoys an active integrative family practice that serves all ages, and supports the many special needs of the 21st Century family. She serves as the Preceptor of Homeopathy and Naturopathy for the Aurora Family Medicine Residency – Integrative Medicine Rotation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Jennette has additional homeopathic training in Homeoprophylaxis (C.HP) and CEASE Therapy which she uses in her collaborations with PATH Family Center, a biomedical pediatric practice in Brooklyn, NY, where she serves as the homeopath for children being treated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
She is the founder of the Creative Care & Wellness Center, a wellness education facility for those seeking creative and integrative healthcare approaches, which is home to her private healthcare practice.
634 E. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 USA
PATH Family Center at Egia Wellness 8120 15th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11228 USA