265 Mesa Verde Way San Rafael, CA 94903 USA
NASH evaluates the competency and educational standards of its Registered Members and requires they subscribe to the NASH Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Latifa Tabachnick
I fell in love with Homeopathy when I first encountered it & have been in practice for over 40 years.
I was a chemistry major at Florida State University & later earned a two year degree at the New Mexico Academy of Massage & Advanced Healing Arts. I completed certification programs at the Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine, Dynamis Courses & Luminous Homeopathic Courses. Homeopathy is currently a very dynamic field & recently I have enjoyed learning about the latest developments with Jayesh Shaw, Michal Yakir, the Joshis & Jan Scholten.
I was a founder & director of the Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine. Also I was a founding member of the NASH & CHC.
I enjoy helping each person explore their own unique path to healing. Homeopathy is an excellent tool for helping people regain their dynamic energy & vitality, & find mental, emotional & physical health.