Excerpt from Carol Boyce’s (Homeopath, teacher, writer, filmmaker, activist) website:
“While that funding is coming together we’ve been working on a project that will blow the question of whether homeopathy works or not right out of the water.
The problem is it’s so controversial given the recent attacks on homeopathy that it can’t go out in public yet – Carol has already been subject to a Freedom of Information request by ‘persons unknown’ asking for access to three years of emails relating to the projects.
We had an opportunity to pitch this project directly to a BBC commissioner who was interested, but in light of the media bias that has been perpetrated by Sense About Science and other anti-CAM organizations in the UK she turned it down!
Is she crazy? Perhaps, but she wasn’t willing to risk not being able to tell the homeopathic story the way it needs to be told. (In fact recent reporting by the BBC has shown that turning them down was a very wise decision Sept. 2010.)”
You can also check out Carol’s other pro-homeopathy movies at her video production website: http://www.somethingtosayproductions.com