Donating to NASH offers an opportunity for those who may not study or practice homeopathy but who do believe strongly in homeopathy and wish to lend annual support to NASH’s efforts.
The NASH Foundation, a 501(c)(3) was formed to provide education, research and publications to support and enhance the profession of homeopathy.
Supported projects are dedicated to education, research and publications to support and enhance the profession of homeopathy. Activities of the organization include but are not limited to:
- Sponsoring workshops, seminars and conferences in homeopathic education
- Publishing educational and scientific materials relating to homeopathy
- Funding research projects involved with homeopathy
- Funding special projects that enhance and expand the awareness of the profession of homeopathy
Now is the time for homeopathy to grow in North America! Scientific examination of nano-particle homeopathic remedies has accumulated repeated evidence to provide consumer confidence. A history of worldwide satisfaction by users and a safety record unparalleled is a story that must be shared far and wide! Homeopathy offers preventative and corrective care that can that can work alongside of our bio-medical system and offer enormous healthcare savings.
But to do this, the number of professionals must grow.
Your annual donation to the general fund allows flexibility for donations to be used for a variety of necessary projects. Together the efforts will increase the numbers of professionally trained homeopaths. Knowing we can rely on your annual support creates a framework for more strategic planning.
Your tax deductible donation to the NASH Foundation supports the growth of Homeopathy In North America. Annual donations of $150.00 or more receive a complimentary copy of The American Homeopath and your donation recognized in the journal.
Please use the online donation process below or you are welcome to send your donation via mail to –
PO Box 115
Troy, ME 04987

NASH One-Time Donation
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