Latifa Tabachnick, CCH, RSHom(NA) offered this webinar on July 20, 2020 about her recollections and stories of the beginnings of NASH. What still exists of our oral history is important to share.
Latifa first encountered homeopathy in 1975 & has been exploring its amazing possibilities ever since. She was self-taught until moving to the Bay Area in 1986 where there were finally some classes available. Deeply understanding the value of homeopathic education, she helped found the Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine which started classes in 1991. It was the first homeopathic school open to all for decades & had over 100 students concurrently enrolled by its 3rd year. Latifa was also instrumental in establishing the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) & the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC).