In This Issue
- Where NASH stands on standardization.
- Don’t let your membership lapse.
- Digital version of the journal
- Future Webinars
- Webinar ideas???
- Welcome to our New Members
- CEU Reminder
- Membership levels – what are they?
Is the Art of Homeopathy being Lost in the Striving for Standardization?
NASH is dedicated to peer review and case submissions as the essential elements in the vetting of a knowledgeable and competent homeopath. This reflects our recognition that homeopathy is not just a scientific method attainable by any that can read and memorize. Homeopathy is a pure discipline which stands on its own with unique principles and techniques.
NASH was originally founded and is primarily dedicated to the professional homeopath who generally has no prior allopathic medical training; it is at this point of educational development that an individual possesses a mind that is most open to homeopathic thinking. The growing reputation of homeopathy as a true healing art is founded on the consistent healing work of dedicated lay people, hereafter called professional homeopaths.
The success of any homeopath depends on his/her ability to build rapport with clients, find a curative remedy, interpret reactions to that remedy and make changes in potency and/or remedy in a logical, well thought-out manner, according to homeopathic principles. Credentials alone do not make a true practitioner of the homeopathic art of healing. Those most skilled in healing with this art in North America are rarely medically licensed or regulated by any government body alleviating the need to rid themselves of the inherent prejudices formed in the allopathic method of medical training. Rather, their minds are more malleable to the unique perception needed to practice homeopathy; to listen not only with their ears and eyes, but also with their hearts – finding simillimums by careful observation including use of their intuitions, imaginations, and intellects.
In this spirit NASH wishes to grow our profession and participate in acknowledging minimum competencies to be reached before one calls him or herself a homeopathic practitioner and charges for his/her services. NASH believes the standards needing to be taught to achieve these competencies should reflect the reality of our schools as they are, not as we wish them to be. A basic outline of material expected to be addressed in homeopathic education needs to be available to schools in order for them to incorporate these materials in ways they see fit. We believe that there are a variety of philosophies and teaching styles and that each has its own merits. If one can study to understand the basic homeopathic principles, take a case, analyze the case and give a remedy, follow the case and explain one’s logical reasoning to another homeopath, NASH feels inclusion in our professional body is appropriate. We support an objective written measure to show proficiency in knowledge of our philosophy, various methods of dosage, approaches to remedy selection, use of reference materials and familiarity with NASH history.
The highest goal in homeopathy is freedom for the client. This cannot be fully attained without freedom for ourselves as practitioners. We cannot lose sight of this without putting our art in jeopardy.
Continued discussion about this position and other NASH topics will be the subject of our next webinar – for NASH member’s only – by NASH’s President, Tanya Kell, RSHom(NA). See below for more information about this event.
Renewal Notices may not have made it to your mailbox!

As helpful as technology is in our lives – sometimes it just doesn’t work. We have been informed that renewal notices may not have been sent out from our website for memberships expiring in April, May, June and July 2016. Please ensure that your membership is still current by logging in to the website.
We will be manually sending a reminder to everyone who has a renewal date during those four months but please feel free to proactively check your own status. Thanks!

Did You Know?
All of The American Homeopath past journals are available as a digital download. Visit our website to purchase any of these journals to enjoy as your summer reading! Wouldn’t it be great to read the Volume 1 which features Constantine Hering on the cover.
Upcoming Webinars
Monday, September 19, 2016 – 5pm(PT) Questions and Answers with the President of NASH, Tanya Kell, RSHom(NA) – for NASH members only.
Monday, October 17, 2016 – 5pm(PT) Special meeting for all NASH student members.
Disclaimer: The content of these telecasts does not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of the North American Society of Homeopaths. The information presented in these telecasts is for general informational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of the information provided. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for advice from your personal health care practitioner.

We Need Your Help!
We have had great response to our recent webinars. To continue offering topics of interest, we need your help in sharing your suggestions for future webinars, your willingness to share your own knowledge with the homeopathic community or suggestions for future speakers. Please contact to help us out.
To Our Newest Members
Registered Members
DC Royalty, CCH, RSHom(NA) – TN
Sarah Salem, RSHom(NA) – CA
Bridget Abraham, CCH, RSHom(NA) – NJ
Delia Merritt, TX
Nina Gervais, NY
Carol Jones, ON
Sheila Gomez-Lagman, CA
Audrey Armstrong, CA
Natalie Calhoun, OK
Chana Lazaroff, MD
Erica Whiting, ME
Bethany Huss, SC
Yifat Bloch, GA
Thank you all for supporting NASH!
CEU Requirement
All Registered members are required to complete 20 CEU’s at the time of your renewal date. For a complete list of what can be used for CEU’s, click here. The CEU’s need to occur within the most current year of your membership.
NASH Membership
Membership is available for the following categories:
- Registered (CCH certified or NASH registered practicing homeopaths)
- Associate (non-certified practicing homeopath)
- Student
- School
Visit our membership page for more information.
The North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) is dedicated to promoting, representing and serving as the voice of all professional homeopaths in North America. NASH aims to develop and uphold the highest level of excellence in homeopathic practice while enhancing the role of the homeopathic profession as an integral part of health care delivery.
Tanya, Julie, Anna, Laura, Myra, Lorne and Carleen
The Board of Directors
Tanya Kell, RSHom(NA) –
Treasurer and Foundation Chair:
Julie Mann, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Anna Cox, CCH, RSHom(NA) –
Laura Sholtz, RSHom(NA), CCH –
Board Member: Member Benefits Coordinator,
Student Liaison Committee Chair:
Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA) –
Binational Liaison:
Lorne Moyer –
Executive Director:
Carleen Johnson, CCH, RSHom(NA) –