What does RSHom(NA) mean?

When you see the internationally-respected designation RSHom(NA), Registered with the Society of Homeopaths (North America), after the name of a homeopathic practitioner, this indicates that they have not only demonstrated the knowledge and competence of a professional homeopath but that they are committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence in classical homeopathic practice by being a member of their professional organization – the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH).
Every health care profession needs an association to supply self-regulation, to set high standards of professional practice, to promote the profession’s existence and value to the public, and to provide a cohesive voice and protection for its practitioners. NASH has, and will continue to, serve all of these roles for the homeopathic community. NASH is also interested in working together with other homeopathic organizations to grow homeopathy both at home and around the world.
The intrinsic belief within NASH is that high professional standards will foster respect, acceptance, and excellence in clinical practice, thereby serving our clients to our utmost capacity, and keeping the government from interfering with our work. NASH requires CEU’s specific to homeopathy as is standard for a professional organization. While achieving a standardized baseline for education and assessment is essential for public confidence, our professional organization requires verification of additional on-going education to maintain the integrity of our standards. The designation RSHom(NA) continues to designate the highest standard of our profession and offers clear branding to the public.
When practitioners join NASH as Registered members, they not only receive the internationally-respected designation of RSHom(NA), but they also enjoy a host of membership benefits, including:
A Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice – to foster a self-regulated profession
The American Homeopath journal
A Professional Referral Online Directory – to promote your practice
Professional Liability Insurance – by an A-rated carrier
A Legal Defense Fund – to help offset legal fees should they be necessary
A Body of Knowledge and Precedents – to help you protect and defend yourself
An Established Grievance Procedure – to mediate conflicts
LegalShield – discounted rates on all services
Partnership with Health Freedom Coalition – working to protect practitioners of alternative health care
Lending Library – recorded past conferences, free of charge
Webinars – share knowledge, resources, and continuing education opportunities
NASH Foundation – a nonprofit charitable corporation dedicated to education, research, and publications to support and enhance the profession of homeopathy
Mentor Program – pass your knowledge forward to associate and student members
Volunteer Opportunities – using our own talents to help grow homeopathy
Archibel: Radar Opus – discount on homeopathic software
Compass Software – discount on paperless office software for maximum organization
Full Slate Online Scheduling Program – 10% discount
Discounts with Associated Organizations – e.g., OHM Pharma and Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy
Private Discussion Forum – support your fellow colleagues in each other’s clinical practice
Full Voting Rights – in Society elections and decisions
Our mission statement is as follows: “The North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) is dedicated to promoting, representing, and serving as the voice of all PROFESSIONAL homeopaths in North America. NASH aims to develop and uphold the highest level of excellence in homeopathic practice while enhancing the role of the homeopathic profession as an integral part of health care delivery.”
If you are already a Registered member, be sure to proudly display your RSHom(NA) designation and if you are eligible to be a Registered member, we encourage you to advance yourself as a true professional and become a member of your professional organization.
Visit us at homeopathy.org!