A Call for Articles
for Volume 24 of
The American Homeopath
The editing team of The American Homeopath journal is starting to work on the next issue and would like to encourage you to submit an article.
Our theme this year is “What is Healing?” and we are seeking our usual mix of cases, provings, interviews, philosophical musings, materia medica insights, history and more. We are especially interested in hearing your views on the nature of healing and the ways it can occur.
You do not need to be a NASH member or a CCH holder to submit an article. If you have something that you feel is of interest and value to the homeopathic community, please consider writing about it. Ask colleagues who may not receive these emails to consider sharing their experience and insights with our readers. Our editorial team is happy to offer advice and guidance to first-time writers – give it a go!
Our deadline for articles is April 15th 2018; please see the NASH website for submission guidelines. Contact the editor, Deborah Hayes, at editor@americanhomeopath.com to submit an article or for more information.
You can also join the NASH webinar on January 15th when Deborah will offer advice and suggestions for how to write an article. You can also listen to the recording afterwards on the NASH website.
Happy writing!