By Tinus Smits, M.D., hardcover, First Final edition September, 2011, 276 pages, $45.00. ISBN: 978-90-76189-00-0. Emryss Publishers, Haarlem, The Netherlands,
Reviewed by Laura Sholtz, Ph.D, RSHom(NA), CCH, FBIH
When I first started reading this book I had no preconceived ideas of what “inspiring homeopathy” was about. The title was enticing but confusing; did it mean that homeopathy was an inspiring science, or that readers could breathe in homeopathy? This question was soon answered in “Part 1 – Theory…The root of the word ‘inspiring’ is from Greek: spira, meaning SPIRAL; so INSPIRING means the process of entering the spiral to his own center, to his essence, to his Self, to his Divine Nucleus, his soul…by…resolving…forces of WANT OF SELF-CONFIDENCE, LACK OF (SELF) LOVE, LACK OF INCARNATION, LACK OF PROTECTION, OLD TRAUMAS, GUILT AND DISCONNECTION WITH THE SELF.” (p. 17) Dr. Tinus Smits “…always believed that the therapeutic possibilities of homeopathy were not fully exploited…” (p. 5) and over many years found a way to improve on the second and third and subsequent remedies needed by his patients. He became convinced “…that different aspects of the human being are layers and can be treated one after another….” (p. 6) While this thinking is certainly not new to classical homeopaths, who frequently explain how homeopathy works by offering an image of peeling off layers of an onion, thereby reaching further and further into the core of health and healing as the outer, less healthy layers are discarded, Tinus Smits understood these layers a bit differently. He divided them “…into three types: accidental layers caused by vaccination, accidents, allopathic drugging or important emotional afflictions; the individual layer; and the universal layers…lack of self-confidence…incarnation problems, lack of boundaries…victim issues…guilt…and disconnection with our soul/center…” (p.6) This book, INSPIRING HOMEOPATHY – TREATMENT OF UNIVERSAL LAYERS, reveals Tinus Smits’ system of the seven universal layers, and how this method “…really goes to the roots of mankind’s suffering…” (p. 6)
What is astounding to me is that once a patient has received his/her individual remedy, and reaches the universal layer, “…only a few remedies have to be used. These remedies are: Carcinosinum, Carsinosinum cum Cuprum, Cuprum metallicum; Saccharum officinale; Lac maternum; Vernix caseosa; Rhus-toxicodendron, Anacardium and Hydrogenium….once the patient enters these universal layers…these remedies were the best ones to resolve their problems…and evolve to deeper awareness and more stability in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.” (p. 6) It is because of Tinus Smits’ work with these nine remedies, such a very different approach from classical homeopathic prescribing, that he gave what he was doing a new name: “Inspiring Homeopathy.” (p. 7)
This treatment of the universal layer focusses more on what process the patient is experiencing, rather than a symptom picture. But we are cautioned “…to remove accidental layers before starting the treatment of universal layers and even before starting a classical homeopathic treatment.” (p. 8) This is important, as healing can be thwarted or blocked if this is not done as a first step. (His subsequent books on reversing autism offer protocols for healing by using this method of removing the accidental causation layer first.)
Part 2 covers the seven layers in detail, and also the remedies most useful for each, from “Layer 1: Lack of Confidence…to Layer 7: Disconnection With the Soul” (pp.13-14). The history of Carcinosinum is included in Layer 1, an important section since there are so many Carcinosinum preparations, made not only from different tumors, but also prepared from different numbers of tumors! Smits cautions homeopaths to be sure of what exactly they are prescribing. Also included throughout part two are syntheses and essences of the remedies, differentials, and causation. Short cases are offered as examples of his reasoning in remedy choice, including outcomes.
For pure pleasure, and for a tiny view of what all is offered in this book in detail, here are the essences of the nine universal layer remedies:
“Carcinosinum (15T): weak ego and its compensation mechanisms” (p. 99)
“Cuprum metallicum: …the same as…Carcinosinum, but the way the Cuprum patient is handling his fundamental problem is different…” (p. 127)
“Carcinosinum Cum Cuprum: lack of self confidence, lack of basic trust…” (p. 139)
“Saccharum Officinale: lack of self-love…” (p. 153)
“Lac Maternum: lack of incarnation…” (p. 195)
“Vernix Caseosa: insufficient separation of his own energy fields from the energy outside…” (p. 218)
“Rhus Toxicodendron: unresolved traumas of the past…” (p. 242)
“Anacardium Orientale: lack of unification…struggle between good and evil…” (p. 251)
“Hydrogenium: the Paradise Lost state…” (p. 260)
Tinus Smits died on April 1, 2010, so was not able to take his algorithm further. “Tinus never wrote a conclusion to this book himself because for him it represented a never-ending spiral, not unlike life. He viewed it as a continual work in progress…” (p. 270) But, after reading this innovative, surprising, and inspiring book, I encourage all homeopaths to familiarize themselves with this exciting method, as “Inspiring Homeopathy” contains new thinking that can help us in our healing of those who come to us. There are many ideas and quotations included in this book that also inspire (“The Five Fallacies about Life” on page 15 is almost worth the cost of this book alone); one quote, tucked on the side of a page, that seems to sum up Tinus Smits’ philosophy, was from Neale Donald Walsch’s ‘The New Revelations,’ “We are all one. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.” (p. 7)
Buy this book. You will never be sorry you did, and it may change how you view your practice; it may also change how you view your life.