Hahnemann’s House in Torgau, where Homeopathy was born, and which witnessed the publication of Organon of Medicine, urgently needs the support of the homeopathic community.
The new organization “International Hahnemannzentrum Torgau” is trying to preserve it and make it again the Center of Homeopathy. However, to make this happen, we need the support of every homeopathic soul.
We are getting very good response to our appeal to save Hahnemann’s Torgau House. We have been able to raise around 5000 Euros so far. We need 7000 more. If you haven’t made a donation yet, please do.
We now need just – 70 homeopaths willing to donate 100 Euros or 140 homeopaths willing to donate 50 Euros or 280 homeopaths willing to donate 25 euros
Please be one of them. Every person donating 25 or more euros will get a certificate from International Hahnemannzentrum Torgau e.V.
Small or large, every donation counts!
Please use the following links to make a donation through PayPal:
It is urgent!! Please contribute and share this message with all your homeopathic friends.
On behalf of International Hahnemannzentrum Torgau
Dr. Manish Bhatia
Director, Hpathy.com